There he is [ Music ]. What’s up guys? So yet again, i welcome you back to another awesome, video joined by the devil and cornwall police, accompanied by owen the legend himself. Today, i am holding the ultralight 1000 with a really unique opportunity with karen, who’s actually hiding in the van to give you guys a complete run through on everything, speed camera vans.
Now, ever since i’ve been into modified cars guys, there has been so many questions that i have wondered myself in regards to speed, camera vans penalty points and everything whether they can or whether they can’t see it and what You can get away with so guys.
Stay tuned me and noah are about to introduce you to karen who is in charge of the camera itself, but let’s, jump inside the van now and give you guys a complete breakdown. You can come out now, hello, so welcome karen karen’s got the uh, the main laser device that we use here and she’s.
Now going to tell you a bit about that, how it’s used and then she’ll, show it being used in the van for you, so yeah thanks erin. So this is the ultralight 1000 that we use in our vans, and this basically assesses speeds on the road um and it can reach for a thousand meters.
Let’s. Take a look come on inside and i’ll. Show you how it all works, okay, so out of interest! Now we’ve. Had this amazing opportunity to come inside your camera van yep, do you want to give us a rundown as to what you’re, doing how you go about setting up yeah, of course, so basically, first of all get the camera out.
So this is the stand that it ‘ S mounted onto also need to get this system up and running, which is the cctv on the top, and i’ll. Show you a little bit about how we use that as well. So we just switched that on oh, very technical and then you should see that screen come on in a moment and then obviously that connects to the cameras on the top.
Check it out ...
There amazing and then this laser unit sits on this mounted tripod here and that sits onto that nice and sturdy on there wow. So it doesn’t matter where you are on the road um any vehicles going past it’s, steady.
So we can still monitor speeds like that. So out of interest during your normal day’s, work. Are you given a location by your boss and you’re told you know, go to this area. We’ve. Had lots of reports of speeding here’s, a particular place you need to go to? Is that how it works yeah, so a priority of ours is obviously getting community concerns, so they come through to our offices and then that gets filtered down to us um and then that’s, obviously gathered by data out on the streets that there’s, a speed problem in that community and then we’ll set up, create a site there, and then we’ll, go down and enforce the area interesting.
So, on your normal day, then, once you’ve set up your camera van. Do you have a particular list of things you’ve got to go about doing before you can start your average day’s, work yeah! So, basically, i have to make sure that everything’s, set up in accordance to the standards so see.
If i was to assess the vehicle and form the opinion that vehicle speeding and then that was to go to court, i need to be able to show that i’ve, set everything up from the manufacturer’s recommendations and then, when I go to court.
I can prove that that’s. What i’ve done in a day and also have a report form to fill in um to know what i’ve. Actually done that day, i’m, certainly interested! Is there a ginormous, hard drive in this van that you have just to eliminate any human error? Because what happens if your phone goes off or you sneeze halfway through filming someone’s? Speeding yeah and then you think, oh no, i ‘
Ve lost all of that information. What then yeah? No not talk it’s, all really secure. So basically we have compact flash cards and that literally sits in there. So it’s very small um and any information that we get off our cctv or the outside cameras and basically download them to usb.
Now, interestingly, how much do you know about cameras? Because i appreciate that you’re, the camera lady, so to speak. Do you have a vast knowledge, then on cameras outside of your camera van, or is it more just specific to what you do here at work absolutely yeah? So we’re trained on what we use here, so my knowledge would be based on using this particular laser unit and that’s.
What i’m training and that’s. What i’m certified in awesome sounds exciting, so karen, as we mentioned just now, we ‘ Ve got a really unique opportunity using my friend’s, car actually built by mj performance, the fiesta st 180.
. Now we’re, going to be using him in order to demonstrate, with your help, how these cameras work, how far away they need to be. Would you like to run through exactly how that works to my viewers, because obviously i can already see the fact that he’s wearing his face mask in the car on the camera right there, so yeah yeah, absolutely right! So currently, obviously he’s a bit too close, so the minimum distance is 20 meters and obviously the furthest.
I’m able to get as vehicle speeding as a thousand meters wow a kilometer, oh yeah. A lot of people think that they can slow down when they see the van and then speed off and we won’t be able to reach them, but obviously a thousand meters.
I can get you quite far away: yeah um, so yeah. So what i basically i need to check is that uh, the system’s working so that’s. The trigger here that’s, the noise. You can hear that it’s, actually working um, and then this screen here tells me the speed, and it also comes up on the screen here too.
So once that’s, all set up with the cameras on top, we’re good to go there. He is there, you go. He’s going to be coming around okay, so you can see him. So i’ve got him doing 11 miles an hour at the moment and also it’s really good to be able to try and get the face of the driver as well yeah, as you can see it’s.
Really cool and they can’t contest it and say that it wasn’t them driving. Obviously, that makes sense that’s right yeah, that’s, actually really really interesting. Obviously, thank you so much for showing us that police have clearly got the best best technology out there, but yeah.
The st-180 has done us good in today’s example. Now, hopefully you can show us some more exciting stuff about this van next. So, karen funnily enough, we’ve had loads of questions regarding front plates on motorbikes.
Can you give me a full rundown from a camera? Ladies perspective? Yes as to how that goes about and what you can do with all of your technology to actually make that work, i’m. Pretty sure. If i’m, not mistaken, you ‘
Ve got a camera on the roof. Is that correct? I certainly have yeah, so it’s functioned with this unit here. So it’s like a joystick. Basically, it turns the camera around 360.. So basically, as a motorbike is coming towards me.
Obviously i see it on the screen here. I’ll form an opinion that’s. Speeding, um, i’ll test that pressing the trigger the speed will come up just like it does at the bottom there and then yeah. If that motorbike is then speeding, i know that i can get their number plates from the camera unit system.
On top awesome. That sounds super exciting. I really hope that answers their question because it ‘ S definitely been a common one in the comment section. So, thank you very much. Okay, now, karen just before we go, take a look at what equipment you have in the front of the van.
Would you like to run through a couple of the bits and bobs you’ve got in here from another angle, because i appreciate you ‘ Ve obviously got this ginormous mount for the camera yep, but you ‘
Ve also got other ones down there by the window. On your right hand, side yeah, i’m sure they’re, probably wondering what these are. So we can basically monitor speeds from different angles, so we can use both these windows here.
So they both slide open and we ‘ Ve got different mounts either side, and basically i can transport that camera to this side, and this moves along here to get the right adjustment that’s, basically used when we do over bridges.
So when you see those camera vans parked up on the bridges, they’re, going up and down a little bit get in the position that’s me opening the window, getting the camera over angled to see and assess speeds um on Those roads interesting so now do you want to take us into the front and we can see what you’ve got out there too yeah great, because i’m sure you ‘
Ve got a pr in there. If i’m, not mistaken, oh we do yeah, let’s go and have a look. So karen now we’re joining you in the actual cabin of the speed camera van. Is there any equipment in here that’s different to that of a normal police car? So basically we have ampr in these camera vans, so um.
Currently, this is a new software that’s been installed into this van, so this little camera here it picks up any wedges coming towards the van or going away from the van and that logs on to the police system from this unit.
Here: okay, awesome! So now, as far as i’m aware, if you’re inside the actual camera van, if you like – and you’ve picked up on someone doing something naughty or doing something they shouldn’t. Be doing.
Does this camera automatically then add extra evidence for you, or is it something that you’ve got to manually control, so no, this system basically um once it’s set up. It runs itself so the information that it receives from the reg to the number plates that’s going past, goes up onto the large police database, so the police are then able to draw that data and see what cards, for example, don’t have insurance or no tax, which, thanks to this awesome, thank you very much now.
I do really want to jump outside the van and have a full rundown as to how many cameras and all the equipment you ‘ Ve got all over this beast of a machine yeah. So let’s, jump out and take a full look around right.
Karen, we’re now outside the van. I appreciate it’s freezing, so we’ll. Do this quickly, but if you could, please run us through all the equipment you’ve got on the outside of this beast of a van yeah, so it’s, a really great vehicle.
It’s, got cctv all around. So, as you can see here, there’s, two cameras pointing down, so anyone approaching the vehicle from this side. I can see them from interior. Once i’m sat down in my chair, so i notice you ‘
Ve got a camera on the dashboard as well. Please explain that one! Yes, this little one around one that you can see here so that basically films, anyone approaching the van this direction. It’s, really good security for me, because obviously i’m looking out the back there, so i’ll, be able to see you on the screens um coming towards the vehicle it also records uh.
Whilst i’m driving as well cool, so i think if we go take a look around the back there’s one more round there, isn’t there yeah there is yeah. If you come around this side yeah. So there’s, two more cameras here and again, like i said once i press record on the inside, it records anyone approaching the back of the vehicle, so it’s, really good security for me, and also, if you’Re trying to have a conversation with me here at the back window.
It records the audio. So i can look back at what you’re saying so i’ve asked george just to let us do a quick bit on why we use these things. Okay, the camera van as you’ve seen, is full of technology.
It’s, also painted white. It’s fully livered it’s there. For you to see the fixed sites, they’re painted, yellow. We put a big sign up to tell you that they’re there and they’re also available on gps.
So your thomson or your garmin or your road angel will know it’s there and it will tell you it’s there, so it’s quite obvious. The only person that’s driving your car is you. You should know what the speed limit is: okay and the only person that makes the decision on how fast you go and controls your car.
Is you? So if you then go past that speed camera and you get caught in excess of the speed limit, even though we give you the thresholds as well between what the speed limit is and where our enforcement starts, the only person that’s responsible for You breaking the speed limit.
Is you okay? So really you can’t complain if you get caught by that speed camera, because we’ve, given you every opportunity, so we’re, going to go for some lunch now and then afterwards we’re, going To show you the other things that we do and we’re, going to show you that thinking time as well, this is an lti 2020.
It’s, a handheld laser device, a smaller version of what karen showed you in the van okay, we’ll, try and get the next car that comes around the corner and see see what speed it’s doing well. That’s if the st-180 can even get up to 30 mile an hour.
This is true. There we go soon, as it came around the corner 26 mile, an hour 114.6 meters away from us. So thanks for getting to the end of the video, hopefully what you’ve, seen with regards to how we deal with speed, is going to be useful to you now.
What we’re, going to try and demonstrate here, is thinking distance. All right so braking distance. It varies from car to car. So you know a standard car on standard brakes. Isn’t going to break as effectively as maybe a modified car with a big brake kit.
So thinking distance is then really really important, and what i’m, going to try and show you here, is the difference between driving at 70 mile an hour and 90 mile an hour. So we’ve set up the cones in that and i’m, going to drive george’s car to try and demonstrate how it works so getting into george’s, car trying to negotiate the bucket seat.
Okay, i’m, not going to wear a seat belt because we are on private ground here, as you can see. Okay. So what i want you to imagine is that we’re traveling on the motorway or a dual carriageway, and we’re traveling at 70 mile an hour now something ‘
S happened in front of me and i’m thinking right. I need to break here and what i’m going to demonstrate here is the thinking time it takes before. I actually put my foot on the brake okay, so we ‘
Ve got the two cars here and off we go so we’re traveling 70 mile an hour, something’s happened. This is my thinking time, and this is how far i’m gonna travel. Before i even put my foot on the brake, okay, the fiesta stopped.
He was doing 70 mile an hour. Okay, i was doing 90 miles an hour. This is how far i’ve gone. Hopefully that demonstrates the difference between 70 miles an hour and 90 mile an hour, because at 90 mile an hour i’ve traveled an extra 35 feet before i’ve.
Even put my foot on the brake, people will tell you that speed, doesn’t kill well. Hopefully, this demonstrates that it makes a massive difference to how long it takes you to react and how far you will travel before you actually put your foot on the [ Music ] brake.