Speeding is a notice of intended prosecution. This is from the Cheshire Police because I was caught as it says. In the letter I was caught speeding exceeding a temporary 50 mile, an hour limit on the m6 northbound between junctions 16 to 17, there 836 in the morning, and I was going 57 in this letter.
They have a whole load of methane Q’s and one of the questions it asks is. Would I be able to attend a driver training course and basically it’s, saying yes, you may, but obviously it’s. A discretion of off the police depends.
You know on your previous conditions, you know, have you got any points ready on your license? Have you already done driver training course all that kind of stuff? The other thing to point out is you have 28 days to actually respond to this letter? If you don’t, then the maximum penalty will apply and you ‘
Ll have six points on your license, so the maximum fine is a thousand pounds now. Moving on, I responded to that. You fill in the form, basically admitting that you were the one driving. If you’re, not, then you need to let them know so they can go and prosecute that person.
Once you’ve admitted it was you. Then you get another letter, and this came through really really quickly. It’s. Only two days that I sent off the form and the following options have been given to me.
Either I can take the National driver offender retraining course or conditional offer of fixed penalty. I’ll. Just read this bit, because you must book course or pay the conditional offer of fixed penalty within 28 days of the date of this letter.
Check it out ...
Now it’s, not from the date that you receive it. It’s, a date that’s on the letter and the date that’s on the letter is six of the February 2018, which was actually yesterday. So I have 27 these two actually book the test.
Something important to note there: it’s based on that date and not the dignity receivers. If you don’t choose one of those two options so either driver training course or the fixed penalty. Then you will basically be taken to court and again maximum penalty will apply or may apply a thousand pounds or six points off your license of those two options.
Obviously the better one to take is the training course, and I’ve. Just briefly explain why? Because the conditional offer that they give you or they’ve. Given me, I don’t know whether it’s the same for anybody else, but it’s, saying if the penalty is fixed at a hundred pounds and my driving license will be endorsed with three penalty points.
So if I want to accept this, that I must comply with the conditions that are given on the back end and go into them. But essentially I can pay a hundred pounds and get three points off my license, or I can go on a course which doesn ‘
T give me points on my license. So after the two already, I definitely won’t. Take the course now the course you can take in any of these venues. I think there’s about there’s about 30 of them. I think so there’s place for me, I think, is in Surrey.
Now it gives you a whole lot of information about what’s involved, so the cost, of course, if I was to take in cheshire, is eighty five pounds and will take place in the classroom environment. It does say that you have the choice of attending a course outside of the area.
So again this list applies, but I think the important thing there is at the cost. Of course, if taken in Cheshire is eighty-five pounds, so it could cost a little bit more. You could cost less depending on the venue, so I won’t actually know until I’ve, actually taken the course not even the four books, the course which I will probably do tomorrow.
So I don’t know how much it’s gonna cost, but I would imagine it will be less than the fixed penalty of a hundred pounds. So already it’s, a cheaper option. If it’s, not I don’t. Think it really matters too much, because I don’t want the points on my license because, oh forget, you have to tell your insurance company that you ‘
Ve got points on your license. They may decide to bump up your premium within the term that you’re in and then of course, when you go to renew it could be an increased premium then, but yeah going back to the course.
There’s. Some information on here that I thought I might just read out. So how long does the course last well, the speed awareness course lasts, approximately four and a half hours, including registration and break, and then there’s a second course.
What’s driving us course, which lasts approximately three hours and 15 minutes? Now I don’t know just have a look. I don’t know if you have to do both this is this is the only thing that’s confusing me, I would imagine it’s, just the speed awareness course that you have to do, but it doesn’t actually actually say: no, no, it doesn’t say so.
I would assume that you have to do both really you’re, just gonna lay there. Basically that’s. All I really wants to talk about in this video. Of course, if you’ve got any comments about speeding and whether you have been caught speeding yourself, then.
Obviously, let me know in the comments below be interesting to see if you were offered the same options and, of course, if there are any costs involved like chemically cost, where did he take you at that sort of thing? I’d, be good to know that sort of stuff it’d, be useful for other people, but yeah.
I just basically wanted to share this with you, because speeding is a serious thing. Even my dad said the other day, he called me out on it when I basically told him that I’ve been caught speeding because I had a conversation with him not so long ago, where I told him about a number of youtubers and social Media influences that’s quite often speed or driver accuracy in some of their videos – and you know I don’t like it.
I don’t, think it’s wise. I don’t think it’s. Smart of these youtubers and social media influences to do stuff like that, because they they ‘ Ve got tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of followers and at the end of the day they are encouraging other people to do the same.
So I don’t think it’s on I, don ‘ T think that people should be you know, showing off by speeding or flaunting the laws it’s, not something that I will ever do in my videos. If I do then please do call me out on it.
I will do something about it, but from this point onwards I will be doing my best to stick to the speed limits. And remember, you can always find some tips on how to beat a speeding ticket here too.
If you’ve been caught, speeding yourself and haven’t been given the option for a driver training force. Then let me know if it would be quite interesting to see what other people were offered and, of course, the fixed penalty that I’ve, been given over a hundred pounds.
I don’t know whether that applies to other people. So if, if you’ve been given the option of a fixed penalty, how much was it and then, of course, where do you take your course and how much did it cost you, because I think that’d, be quite useful for Other people as well so do leave it in the comments below.
So I think it’s, probably safe, to say that you may not have enjoyed this video just because of the topic. But then again you may may have found it interesting. Try to be as informative as possible. That was the main goal of this is to let you know that admits to you guys that I’ve, been caught speeding, but also to inform you as to the process and the letters that you get and and the options that you get.
I hope it’s been useful for you guys. So in the meantime, guys, if you’re, not following my channel, then please do. This is just a hobby for me. If you checked out my videos already then gives you an idea.
Is the kind of thing that I want to do on this channel and but yeah? I think the next video that I’m going to do will be quite exciting. It won’t, be for some time, so there may be a video in-between that I don’t know, but yeah please do subscribe, and if you found this video useful, then please, like it’s, because it really does Help and, like I said, leave any comments below about your offenses.
If you’ve been caught speeding and, of course, if you disagree with anything that I’ve said then please, let me know.