Average speed checks are becoming more and more common on our roads and if you’re lucky enough to live outside the handful of countries that use them, I’ll, bring you up to speed. Unlike your traditional speed, camera average speed cameras.
Always work in pairs and they cover motorways, city, centers and country roads, making sure that you don’t speed. As you’re driving along you’re passed by camera, a which will take a photo of your license plate.
Your car and the time to the nearest millisecond and then further down the road may be a half mile to a mile, or so there will be camera B, which will do exactly the same thing. Then, by doing some basic GCSE level math by taking the time it took you to travel between the two cameras and dividing it by the distance, your average speed can be calculated.
Hence the name. The average speed check now, while they’re great at making sure everyone drives at the speed limit. I personally hate the added stress that they bring to driving and I actively try to avoid roads that have average speed cameras on them.
Not because I speed, but because it turns driving into a foot, balancing act and sure if you had cruise control it would be a lot easier. But me with my little Suzuki Swift. I don’t have that luxury, but putting that all this side, perhaps the most infuriating thing about an average speed check zone, is that that always seems to be someone overtaking you above the speed limit, which honestly got me wondering.
Is there something that I’m not in on and how accurate our average speed cameras and just before we start, I am not condoning speeding in an average speed check zone. This is for educational entertainment purposes.
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Only the myths or researching this topic, there are two points that came up again and again the first one being that, if you change lanes, you can trick the average speed cameras, which is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard the fact That the government can track all our phones to see our locations.
You think an average speed camera can ‘ T see that you’ve shifted Lane, are you crazy? And secondly, but they’re, not on at night average speed cameras are fitted with infrared lights, so they can see your number plates.
So no, you’re, not gonna get away with speeding at night. With that now of the way, let’s, focus on the real question speed and those who do in an average speed check either fall into one of two categories Group, one, the super speeders.
First of those are those who speed well over like 60 and a 50, and as I’ve Percy noticed they’re, almost exclusively driving company fans Range Rover evokes or a club that looks like it’s about to Fall apart with no MOT and no insurance, and, to be honest, all these people, just don’t care about the fines either the car isn’t in their name or they’ll.
Just pay. Someone else to take the blame claiming that they weren’t driving at the time, which sure is super illegal. But people do it, and even recently the Member of Parliament for Peterborough was caught doing it, where she paid off her lodger.
To take the blame, but then getting caught, because there’s possible record, show that he wasn’t in the country at the time that she went through the speed camera like what group to the Laura biters. The other group of people are those who speed very minimally about three to four miles an hour above the speed limit, and it seems to be they can get away with it due to three main factors back to one lying speedos.
The first is that every speedo in every car is under recording your GPS speed, which is the one that the speed cameras read you see, speeders in cars base your speed off the wheel rotation. Hence, if you’ve ever will spun or ice or mud.
You would have seen a speedo go way up over a hundred, but yet you’re, not going anywhere. Car manufactures by law can’t under report. Your speed, so instead they over report it and the law states to be on the safe side.
Then it can be ten percent plus six point two five miles an hour so effectively your car could be reading on the speedo that you’re traveling at 50 and a quarter miles an hour. But in reality you’re only traveling at 40.
Now that is on the extreme end, but research by Auto Express found that most cars are under reporting by one to two miles an hour compared to their actual speed, a minor difference. I know, but enough for you to go a little bit faster in an average speed check factor to bend erodes.
The second is that average speed checks are rarely conducted on straight roads. Every Road whenever you like it or not, it’s. Gon na have a slight curve will bend to it so for the cameras to be as accurate as possible, they have to assume that every car has travelled the shortest distance possible between the two cameras.
So what does this mean? Well, similarly, is why runners are stacked on a racing track is when they get to the corner. The inside runner will be traveling a shorter distance, those on the outside, hence in an average speed check zone, increasing the average speed.
Now this is to be very lenient. On where the cameras are located, but it’s, certainly gonna make a very small difference, maybe a few miles an hour to your actual recorded speed when you go through an average speed check and factor 3, the 10 % plus 2 rule.
Thirdly, and finally, is the infamous rule of 10 % plus 2, it’s widely reported that speed cameras, don’t clock you if you observe the 10 % plus 2 mile an hour rule above the speed limits. However, I’m gon.
Na be honest, this is incredibly wishy-washy and there is absolutely no proof that this is real or true. So for this I’m just gonna leave it out of the equation and focus on the other two factors as being a little bit more realistic.
So, in conclusion, if I’m travelling in an average speed check zone, I can likely go 1 to 2 miles an hour above the speed limit, accounting for an incorrect reading in my speedo and curvature of the road.
But anything higher is gonna. Be risking it and just to be clear, I’m, not condoning speeding and there is absolutely no excuse for speeding in a construction zone. So with this whole video take it with a pinch of salt and hopefully it’s.
Answers those questions about how people always seem to be overtaking you in an average speed check thanks again for watching I’ll, see you next time.