Now I don’t know if I’m guilty of speeding or not because I haven’t been a trial, so I’m, not gonna say anything about that. But I was stopped and I just want to give you a few tips to help you out if this happens to you.
So if you do get stopped, pull over to the right to pull over the shoulder as far as you can, if it’s at nighttime, turn your interior lights on, put your hands on top of the steering wheel and don’t do anything until the officer tells you to do it when he comes up there and he asked you do you know? I stopped you, your question or your answer should always be? No. I do not because what I used to do that’s.
The question I would ask and a lot of people would admit guilt. They’d, say I was speeding. So that was my question and then he’s. Gon na ask for your driver’s license registration insurance. If it’s, no glove box, tell him you’re going into the glove box or you’re going into your wallet, communicate your intentions that shows the officer that you’re being respectful.
Now this is important before he goes back to his police car. Make sure you ask for a break. It could be as simple, sir, I’m. Sorry, I didn’t mean to waste your time. Do you think there’s any way possible? You could please just give me a break this one time either a written warning or a verbal warning.
If you don’t ask you: don’t receive and what I know is once he leaves the side of your car to go back to his car. You’re, most likely getting a ticket. So keep that in mind. Now you get that you’ve gotten the ticket there’s, gonna be a court date on the back.
Oh yeah back to the ticket, make sure you sign it, because if you don’t you’re gonna go to jail. All you’re signing, for is that you promise to show up when you ‘ Re been summoned, so you’re, just signing to say I do promise to appear if need be or pay the citation.
So you don’t want to go to jail over a speeding ticket. Now the court date comes up. So you go like here in Southern California: you can for an extension online. Do that, if not going before reported, the court talked to the clerk asked for an extension go back at the end of the extension and then plead not guilty so right there.
My me doing those two steps has delayed the ticket that eight weeks now a lot has happened in eight weeks. Imagine what’s happened in your life in eight weeks. That officer could have been transferred.
He could be now on vacation. He who knows where he could be now when she asked me to reset it. She gave me two times 10 a.m. or 2 p.m. now. The officer wrote me at night, so I assume he’s, a night shift officer and I did it for 10:00 a.
m. hopefully you know catching him off now. Some could say he’d, want the overtime, but I’m gonna take the chances and go with the morning get to court. You can ask the court officer of the clerk what he looks like her to let you know when he gets there.
If he gets there go talk to him, say hey, you know, you wrote me a ticket. Do you think there’s? Anything we can do about it because he can dismiss it right there. Now don’t be afraid he’s. Human. The judge is human.
Everybody’s. Human just go and ask just ask questions that’s. Also gonna be the key to your business. If you’re watching this from a business aspect, is questions so go. Ask him questions now. If he doesn’t want to dismiss it.
That’s. Fine here’s. What’s? Gon na happen, you’re gonna go in front of the judge. The judge is gonna. Let the officer talk. First, he’s. The prosecuting side, you’re, the defense. He’s gonna state. His case now you’re gonna state.
Your case, you want to tell some history good some parts about you and why the judge should believe you establish that you’re, a good person. We’re, a suit don’t, go looking like a derelict. Go look like a professional wear, a suit.
If you’ve got one or shirt and tie at the minimum and look clean and in shaven and look well. You know you don’t have to shave. If you’re a woman, I hope not and then establish why you’re believable and then ask the officer questions.
How did you stop me? He probably mentioned already radar pace or whatever either whatever you got. You with. You want to ask them when that was last calibrated if they’re certified and if he has the certifications.
Secondly, you want to ask him what the lighting was like, what the weather was like, what the traffic was like, how he knows it was your vehicle, any unique identifiers. You want to ask him what you had on you want to ask him.
Was there anybody in the vehicle with you, get his memory going and see how he answers it, and then you want it’s. What you’re trying to do! Is you’re trying to build doubt in the judges mind? You are innocent until proven guilty and you want to put doubt in there.
So the judge is gonna go. If the judge has any doubt in his mind he’s. Gon na dismiss the ticket. Now let’s. Just say you win there. You go. You’re done. If the judge finds you guilty that’s. When you need to ask the judge for leniency, you can either ask for traffic school, reduced rate or whatever ask again and you shall receive go and then after this is done.
I highly suggest you write a letter to the judge, the mayor and about the officer and how professionally he was and how professional courts were, and just you know be thankful that we do have these guys out there serving and protecting us.
So that’s, my tip on how to get out of a traffic ticket. If you have any questions, please respond to this blog video post or hit me up on Facebook or Twitter, and I’d, be happy to answer them to all you officers out there be safe watch your back and thank you have a good day.