They’re, controversial and expensive hundred dollars across Northeast Ohio around the country, red light and speed cameras are popping up Sunday. There was a much traffic anxious to get to the game. Norman Adler and his family were running late to see the Cleveland Browns.
He admits to rushing down Chester Avenue when bamm-bamm he was ticketed not once but twice by speed cameras. A police officer would pick someone up for speeding, no matter where they give him a warning.
They give them a ticket if they do. Sometimes they give him a warning, but at that point the driver goes below the speed limit at that point, and you realize you made a mistake: instead, Norman shelled out 200 bucks determined not to have this happen again.
He’s, downloading new software from the internet onto his GPS unit for less than the price of one ticket. Phantom alert warns you about speed cameras and alerts. You to slow down, see this camera on this corner.
Phoenix Arizona inventor John Hopkins says his technology offers absolute protection. You can see where they are. This is going to tell you on a GPS exactly where there have to memorize them for one, because drivers continually send information and updates to phantom alert calm.
The system is current, so every time a new camera is installed, you’ll know about it, not only that. It also warns you about traveling mobile units and even speed traps. We’re, not really helping to break the laws, keeping them in check, so they’re, not speeding.
I think it keeps you safer. Phantom alerts considered controversial by some in law enforcement, but Cleveland Police agree with John. We don’t have any problem. We want people to know where those are we put them on our website.
The point is deterrence. We want people to slow down. We want people to drive safely lieutenant Thomas taco says: if people slow down and save some money, all the better. Well, I think it’s absolutely worth it.
I mean if you travel anywhere, no matter where it. It definitely is worth it in Cleveland. Suzanne Stratford Fox 8 News