Hi today I’m, going to give you tips on how to beat the speeding ticket. Now, if you’re reading this chances, are you got pulled over? Try to explain your way out of it? The cop just didn’t, go for it inside at you for speeding, see police officers generally don’t care.
What you have to say and already know whether they’re, going to cite you or not as soon as you roll your window down oftentimes officers, will it females go with nothing but a warning? So if you’re, a female, you received a speeding ticket, you probably got a rookie who’s out there, trying to make a name for himself either that or you just not very attractive.
If you’re, a minority trying to talk your way out is useless. The officers learn a saying in the Academy the dark of the skin, the more trouble they’re in, so you get the ticket. You want to fight it where you begin.
First thing you do is get an extension now. This has nothing to do with your hair, nor your penis, an extension simply pushes your court date back. So when officers schedule their court cases, they schedule them all.
For the same day, this way they’re only tied up in court in one day and the rest of the days are free to pay afternoon visits to my money-grubbing [ __ ] of an ex-wife who’s, always more than ready. Twisting the position for anyone in universe when you do get the extension fine schedule it for the officers day off, thus increasing the chances of an ocean sea.
Most officers choose to enjoy their day off at the beach rather than in court. So your case could be dismissed if the officer does show up as to see the calibration records for the radar.
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If, in fact, you were caught on radar, what you’re looking for here is a faulty inaccurate radar reading. If the officer can produce proof that the radar was properly calibrated, your case could be dismissed more than likely he’ll.
Have the records, but it’s worth a shot. The state’s do happen, like my wedding day or our first date, er believe in her when she said she was on the pill. Oh, if all else fails, ask the judge. If you’ll reduce your fine.
At least you don’t, get your case thrown out, but you won’t have to pay as much unlike me. We it’s, taken to the cleaners month after month by a degenerate who doesn’t work, because I guess carpal tunnel makes it difficult to grease up your body and swing around a pole.
Hopefully this has provided you with some insight how to beat the speeding ticket, and you’ll, be more confident going into the courtroom until next time take care. There’s a lot more than a dozen sat down.
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