What is going on people and welcome back to the channel in this video? We’re, going to be doing an update video to how speed cameras work, [, Music, ]. Now, if you haven’t seen the first video i do suggest you go back and watch that, because there are a lot of useful tips.
What i’m not going to cover in this video, this is going to be an update on some things that might have changed or some things that are different to what i said in the first video. But the majority of that video does have some quality content and definitely some good tips to watch.
If you are interested in this topic, thanks to everyone that commented on that, video and let me know new bits of information that they’re, aware of and thanks even more to the people that also commented with their opinion and then backed it up With evidence and sources which gives me the ability to then go away and do the research and make this video again, if you’re one of those people who’s, commenting on that video going, the answer to not speeding is by Simply not speeding.
Bravo! I’m sure you thought you were the funniest man on that comments group, but there were about 100 of you so yeah thanks for that. Like i said in the first video, this video is not a guide on how not to get caught by speed cameras.
Of course, you could use this video as a tool to not get caught by speed cameras, but it is purely for informational purposes only and if you’re like me, you’re an inquisitive mind. You’re, probably going to want to know how these sorts of things work and it’s going to be beneficial to you to know in the long run, driving on the road – and hopefully you won’t, be thinking About speeding as much because you’re just going to know how things operate.
Just a fine example of that is when i see people slamming on for average speed, camera checks um it’s, just not how they work, and it is detrimental on the road, because people, just don’t understand how an average speed Camera check works, but that’s enough about the last video we’ll get straight into it.
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So, first of all, we’re, going to go into mobile speed cameras. Now, some of my information, what i’ve got from this – is from another great youtuber. He’s made a video with the local police on how mobile speed cameras work lots of useful information in there.
So if you do want to watch the full video, the link is going to be in the description, but here’s. The key points where i’ve taken from that video, so our mobile speed cameras can now reach up to 1 000 meters now that might be longer or shorter than you originally heard.
But this is from the horse’s mouth themselves. They can actively get people speeding up to a thousand meters or a kilometer, so simply slowing down. Once you’ve seen the speed camera it’s, probably going to be too late, you might be causing an obstruction.
If you do slam on at that point – and you might have already just you know – you’ve been caught already so just submit another interesting one i found was how these mobile speed cameras get placed. Now these are in relation to community concerns.
So if you’ve got concerned citizens calling up that people are speeding up and down their road. There’s, a likelihood that a mobile speed camera will get placed on that road by all accounts. They are not random and they are not placed to create revenue, although that is quite controversial.
We know my opinion on speed cameras and if it was purely about speeding, it would be average speed, cameras everywhere and not these mobile speed cameras that are supposed to be visible, um, but often they are placed in very precarious places.
They can get motorcycles forward facing now. The way they do this is we ‘ Ve got cameras on the top that as soon as you pass, the camera will then rotate and catch the rear of the motorcycle. So if you are a motorcycle and you are speeding towards a speed camera van and you’ve already been caught, and you know that you’ve been caught, it might be wise to take a diversion to your destination.
If you didn’t want to get caught. Of course, that would be availed, injustice and totally illegal. But once you drive past that speed camera wagon, they can turn the camera and have a look at your registration plate and i’m sure time.
Timestamps on each camera will just relate the two bits of data and yeah your bank to write speeding, mobile speed cameras do not need signage around them to identify the speed camera. This is something when i was wrong in the past video.
I thought they did need signage, but now they do not. If it’s, a fixed speed camera, it does need the signage, but a mobile speed. Camera does not, however, mobile speed. Camera vans should be easily identified and not hidden.
They should have signage around the van that symbolizes police, maybe some yellow right in some blue and white squares yeah, but you should definitely be able to associate it with what you would consider a speed camera van.
So all new mobile speed cameras are now fitted with ampr systems. Now, although speed cameras might be controversial, but certainly in my opinion, npr camera systems, i think, are for the benefit of the road.
These are there to catch people without insurance and without tax and between me, and you, people that do that they’re. Not they’re, not really high. On my priority or people that should avail justice.
So ampr cameras are a good thing as far as i’m concerned, so you might have heard of things such as the road angel or speed camera detectors. Now these are devices that fit to your car and they can sense.
Sometimes they can sense. The radar from the camera, or they’re using gps tracking to to identify, marked out cameras. You can you can get similar apps such as ways that again are like a community app, which is where someone would mark the camera on the map, and then you would confirm it and therefore it would eventually build up like a case before a speed.
Camera gets put onto the map for you um. These are quite useful tools to to know where cameras are on the road. I know for sure a rod angel is a highly rated one. I personally don’t use one. I don’t really use waves.
If i’m going on a long journey – and i do need navigation, i will make sure it weighs just so i don’t get caught out, but of course i don’t speed anywhere, so it doesn’t really matter another thing that a lot of these a lot of these systems will use is they will take your speed from gps rather than the speed of your car.
So the way your speed of your car works is that there’s, going to be discrepancies in that, whether they’re, inbuilt or accidental, basically, the the speed. What is red on your speedometer is not going to be accurate to your vehicle speed um in real life.
The gps is way more accurate than your speedometer. The reason these are put into force is just to just to stop the variability of going the wrong side. So let’s say you’re going 30. You might actually be going 28 and as your car degrades over time, that might change.
So you ‘ Ve got that fudge factor before you’re actually going 33. When you think you’re going 30., that combined with the leeway, is what you might get with a police force as well as that’s. Why you can sometimes get away with going what you consider a decent amount over and not get a speeding ticket, but we’re going to cover off on that later on.
The video, if you’ve, made it this far in the video and you haven’t subscribed to my channel. Then please do consider it. The reason why i do these videos is so i can build up a following online and if you do like my channel, subscribe and comment, it means a massive bunch to me and it’s so good to me.
Seeing the growth. What i’m, getting because it does take effort, creating these videos, and that is just my reward for creating the video by seeing people coming along to the channel and seeing them regular people commenting.
But anyway, we’ll, get back to the video speed. Cameras must be painted, yellow since october 2016.. Now i know a lot of people disagree with this. In the last video. They seem to think that they don ‘
T need to be painted yellow, but i found a government website document that states that they need to be painted. Yellow again, if you have any form of evidence that says they don’t need to be painted.
Yellow then please do. Let me know don’t just comment down below and say there’s, one in my town that’s, not painted yellow, because i mean yeah, you can send me a picture of it, but that doesn’T mean that it shouldn’t be painted, yellow a lot of times.
These things have stickers on so the reason you might be seeing a gray one is because someone’s, peeled the stickers off or the stickers have worn off over time, but yeah for sure. The government has released that all cameras should be painted, yellow, as of october 2016.
, now enforceable speeds. Now this is quite a controversial one. I’ve heard and i’m sure you’ve heard that you get 10 plus two um. In most cases, now there’s a there’s, a degree of accuracy to this, but there’s.
Also, not so you do get this fudge factor like i said earlier in the in the video about the speedometer and your actual speed, so you have got that element there. The police forces often do allow a slight amount over.
However, this is not a sure thing. If a police officer is running a mobile speed camera, he may prosecute for just one mile per hour over. I’m, not sure what determines whether they’re, going to prosecute or not whether it’s quarter-based, whether it is location-based, whether it’s county-based.
But people have been caught by speeding for one mile per hour over, but then again people have not been caught by speeding by up to five miles per hour over and there’s reports of both of these um i mean i’Ll leave it to your discretion, why you think they sometimes catch you and why they think you don’t, but yeah there’s, definitely cross-contamination of reports with that to go through a speed camera faster than you know.
You should be banking on the fact that you might get away with it because of the 10 plus two. I don’t think that’d, be very wise, but people have got away with it in the past. Are there an autobahn on certain speeds? Well, the short answer is no.
However, you’re, probably more than likely going to get a ban. If you’re doing certain things so generally double the speed limit. Yep, you’re, probably going to get an automatic band um over 100 miles per hour on the motorway, probably going to get an automatic ban and generally reckless driving.
So if it’s related to reckless driving, then you’re, probably going to get an automatic ban. You know you if, if you were going um 70 mile an hour on a 30 road and it was midnight and it was dead – you’re, probably going to get looked on with a bit more um with a bit more forgiveness than if you Were going 40 mile an hour through a 20 school zone, now yeah, the cemetery is a bigger speed limit break down than the the first example, but the the situation around the speed and defense is going to.
He’s, going to take into account what sort of punishment you get. So, although there’s, no auto ban on it yeah you would definitely uh. You would definitely be unwise to go more than double the speed limit or over 100 on the motorway um, because it is very very likely that you are going to get an automatic ban, speed awareness courses, another thing: what popped up quite a lot in the last Video in the comments now there’s, different thresholds for speed awareness courses.
When i would do my research for this, they are definitely way higher than i originally thought. I’ll just pop the table up on the screen here. So you can see the threshold for speed awareness courses.
They are way way higher. I thought they were a lot lower than this um, so you can speed quite a considerable amount and get a speed awareness course. If you don’t know what a speed awareness course is.
It’s. Basically, you go away for a day. You it’s similar. I guess kind of similar to this video. They’re, going to explain how the how the speed cameras work it’s, not as it’s, not as cut and dry as what i’m, saying here, where it ‘
S like this is how you avoid, or this is how you should uh, should consider approaching these sorts of cameras, but it’s, teaching you about the road sense around cameras and how many cameras there are in your certain counter and how many are In use and that sort of stuff, you can only do these once every three years.
So if you get caught speeding and you’re within the threshold, you can do a speed awareness course. If you get caught speeding the next year and you’ve already done your speed awareness course that year and you were still within the threshold – you wouldn’t – be able to do another speed awareness course.
You would probably get a fixed penalty notice for that speed in there. After, if once the three years has passed, and the speed awareness course has now come off your record, you can then go and do another speed awareness course.
If you get caught speeding again, your speed awareness course is not saved against your driving license. That’s, a fully separate database, and that is solely there just to see when you lasted your speed awareness course and whether you’re eligible for one in the future.
That being said, it is up to you to inform your insurer that you ‘ Ve done a speed awareness course, and often this will change your premium policy. The exact same way three points will i know for sure.
When i have my last speed awareness course i run. I run my insurer just to check the difference between three points and the speed awareness course, and it was the same number which gave me a bit of a question as to why i’m, going to be paying for a speed awareness course.
I’m, going to be taking a day off work and you need to evaluate whether it’s worth it for you. I end up doing the speed awareness course just because i thought it’d, be quite an interesting day and obviously i’m speeding, and i should be made more aware of why why i’m speeding and why i Shouldn’t speed, but yeah just be aware that it’s.
Not it’s, not avoiding points as such, because the insurers still look at it the same way or certainly my insurer looked at it. The same way. Fixed cameras again, they should all be painted. Yellow we’ve already been through that i’m not going to.
I’m not going to uh plug it at a horse at this point, but they should all be painted. Yellow and they should have shiny, so fixed cameras should definitely have signage around it, letting you know that you’re approaching a speed camera.
I’m, not sure how much you’d, get away with that. If you were to contest that the speed cameras, didn’t have signage around it at a later date, because, ultimately you are speeding and yeah that’s.
The bottom fact you’re, breaking the law and, and frankly, disagree with it or like it. It’s, not a secret that you can’t speed. We know that we’re, doing it wrong when we do it, but that’s, just a risk.
You’re taking. But that concludes the update for this video. Like i said, if you didn’t watch the first one, then i do suggest you going watching the first one. If you did enjoy the video, then please do comment like and subscribe.
This channel is growing massively in the past few moments. Like i’m, i think i ‘ Ve got 400 subscribers in the last month, which is absolutely mental. So if you have been supporting the channel, then a massive thank you for that.
Any comments mean so much to me and i try to reply to every single one of the comments. If you want to comment down below saying best way to not get caught, speeding is by not speeding, then great. Do it.
I’ll. Give you. I’ll. Give you a love! I’ll. Give you a thumbs up. Good luck, [, Music, ]! You